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Plugin Management

All WordPress websites have some plugins activated to enable additional functions. Sometimes however, instead of adding value to a site, one plugin can create a conflict with another plugin. When this happens the thing you often see is the infamous white screen of death. The only option you have from there is deactivate the plugin from some backend. Usually SSH is there to the rescue, with WPCS however, you can activate or deactivate plugins from the Console.

Activating/deactivating plugins

Plugins can be activated or deactivated from the console in two ways: per tenant, for multiple tenants all at once. To activate or deactivate plugins per tenant, find the tenant in the Console and go to its details screen. One of the tabs available on that screen is the WP Plugins tab. Displayed on this tab are the plugins available for the tenant, their versions and status. To activate or deactivate, select one or multiple and hit the corresponding button.


From the version detail screen you can activate or deactivate plugins for multiple tenants at once. To go to the version detail screen, click the version name corresponding with the version on which the tenants you want to change are running. You can then select one or multiple tenants in the tenant list of the version detail screen, click the list's action button, and click the Manage plugins option.